Placement Test - اختبار تحديد المستوى

1- The cultural importance of languages is undeniable. Languages are the primary means by which we communicate with one another, and as such, they are critical to our ability to connect with and understand one another on a deep level. However, things can become complicated after emigrating to another country. It is not only necessary to learn the new language but also the culture that surrounds it.

2- The first generation of immigrants from another country typically speaks only their native language. However, the second generation is born into a household where two languages are spoken: English and another foreign language. In this case, English becomes their native language, and they suffer from having to communicate with their parents in their native tongue because they have lost touch with it over time.

3- My aunt and her husband moved from Korea to America. In the United States, they had three children. The eighteen-year-old daughter is fluent in both English and Korean, so she communicates easily with her parents. The two younger children, aged 14 and 12, do not understand Korean well enough to communicate with their parents. They've been heavily Americanized and can only communicate in English. They've lost touch with their ethnic identity. When my aunt tries to communicate with her second daughter, she becomes frustrated because they cannot understand each other. Although the second daughter can understand a few words in Korean, the youngest cannot speak it at all.

4- Immigrants often struggle to retain their original language and culture when they move to a new country. Even if they want to keep their native language, they may discover that their children prefer to speak English. My aunt wanted her children to have a better life than she had, so she decided against teaching them Korean. They, however, lost touch with their mother's native language and culture. When they visited South Korea, they felt isolated.

5- Language is one of the most important factors in determining a person's identity. We express ourselves through language, and we communicate with others through language. When we lose our native language, we lose a piece of our identity as well as our connection to others who speak it. This is why it's so important for immigrants not to ignore their mother tongue and teach it to their children.

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